Friday, September 22, 2006


I have categorized my life into three inter connected stages. Early in my life I was very much devoted to getting an education, then followed making a living, and at this current stage, discovering my connectedness to humanity. My education encompassed many years of study and eventually getting a degree in Engineering including a doctorate in Mathematics. The next stage was primarily devoted to raising a family, working in a profession, accumulating financial success, and as main recreations, visiting our beautiful US National Parks. Finally after retirement, in this last stage, I have devoted myself to humanitarian concerns. These are the questions I have been pondering on. “Why are we here living in this earth? What is the purpose of this life? Is there an after life?”

I believe we are all spiritual beings having a human experience here on earth. And my communication with the Source of all creation in this life is through my interaction with humanity. This is why I chose Prison Hospice work. My involvement entails going to the State Prison Hospital, interacting with the sick and dying prisoner/patients, and accompanying them in their preparation for their usual transition of dying.

Although I practice some of my religious Christian beliefs, my purpose in visiting these prisoner/patients is not to convert them to any religion whatsoever. Instead, I try to minimize their fears, anger, resentment, and other negative feelings they have to make them as comfortable as possible in their final stage before dying. As Dr. Kubler-Ross summarized these dying stages, we go through the stages of denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and finally acceptance. In my visits we discuss their fear of dying if they express this emotion, and sometimes the belief in a God waiting to punish them some more, the anger at the system and society, guilt and resentfulness on their past life experiences, and the depression they may be currently experiencing.

Allow me to share some of my prison hospice visits with you. I want to emphasize that these have been very rewarding experiences for me personally.


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